Pictures show Florida alligator lunge at bald eagle who narrowly escapes

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Photos captures fight between gator and young bald eagle

A Florida alligator almost had the lunch of a lifetime after he lunged out of a swamp attempting to munch on a bald eagle. Chris Holwell snapped the encounter and said he and his partner initially noticed a gator, turtle, and vulture hanging on a little island near the boardwalk at Orlando Wetlands Park.

A Florida alligator almost had the lunch of a lifetime after he lunged out of a swamp attempting to munch on a bald eagle. 

Chris Holwell snapped the encounter and said he and his partner initially noticed a gator, turtle, and vulture hanging on a little island near the boardwalk at Orlando Wetlands Park. 

But after taking a closer look, Holwell said this wasn't a vulture. 

"On closer examination, I noticed the legs were yellow on the bird indication it wasn't a vulture," said Holwell. 


He said the turtle had run into the water and the gator slipped in behind it, "launched like lightning" and launched at the Juvenile Bald Eagle. 

The pictures show the gator's mouth wide open ready to enjoy his meal, but the eagle was quick and nearly escaped the brief encounter.