1 dead, 1 injured after shots fired at deputies serving warrant at Melbourne Beach home, sheriff says
Man killed after shooting at Brevard County deputies
One man and one woman was injured during an officer-involved shooting in Melbourne Beach, deputies say
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. - A man barricaded inside a Melbourne Beach home who shot at a SWAT team with the Brevard County Sheriff's Office has been killed after deputies returned fire, Sheriff Wayne Ivey said. A woman who was also inside the home was injured in the exchange of gunfire.
The shootings followed a nearly two-hour standoff at a residence located in the 7000 block of A1A, during which time multiple attempts were made to coax the two out of the home, the sheriff said.
"We addressed them several times, 'Please come out! Please come out!' and they didn't. Eventually, the male subject, from what we can tell at this time, stepped into the hallway with a shotgun, pointed at our team, and fired," the sheriff said during an afternoon news conference.
Press conference on barricaded suspect in Melbourne Beach
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey provides an update on a situation in Melbourne Beach involving a person being served a warrant.
The sheriff said investigative teams were surveying the scene as it relates to the shootings and to a search warrant that deputies were attempting to execute prior to the standoff.
"We've had a number of complaints from the neighbors," said Sheriff Ivey. "Our purpose for being here originally was to execute a drug search warrant."
Sheriff Ivey said the woman was taken to a hospital and was alert. "I do not have an update on her condition, although she was talking to us when she came out," he added.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) will conduct a separate investigation into the deputy-involved shooting, which is standard procedure. Sheriff Ivey did not offer any additional specifics, but he defended the response from the SWAT team.
"I make it very clear to everyone, if you point a gun at one of our team, you're going to pay the ultimate price," said. "These men and women deserve to go home to their families. They're out here doing a service to protect this community."
Stay with FOX 35 for updates on this developing story.