People line up for hurricane relief aid from FEMA in Orange County

People lined up in Orlando’s Barnett Park. They're hoping for help from federal, state, and local agencies after Hurricane Ian tore through central Florida. Luis Diaz and Katherine Millan came for assistance after water flooded the Orlando home they rent. 

"This is my last straw, see if FEMA could help. Because right now they've got my funds on hold, we stayed in the car. Waiting to see," Diaz said.

FEMA officials say the disaster recovery center is working with local and state agencies to provide a one-stop-shop for people, and also businesses that need help recovering from Hurricane Ian. 

"A disaster recovery center is a place survivors of a disaster can go get help from many different agencies. The first thing people want to do is register for assistance with FEMA," said FEMA spokesperson Jann Tracey.

The site is open seven days a week, from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Orange County said they'll also be opening up other assistance locations. People in line say they're grateful for the help. 

"It's about the people," said flood victim Catherine Edwards, "I don't care if you wear red, blue, white, whatever. When we cut, we all bleed the same, it's about the people, us and whole."

After they finished meeting with case managers, Diaz and Millan were told they couldn't get assistance until inspectors took a look at the house they rented. But then FEMA told them they would provide a hotel room for the couple in the meantime. 

"I'm ecstatic right now because I lost all hope, to be quite honest with you. And I have a sense of relief now, because at least I know I'm gonna be somewhere other than my vehicle," Millan said.