Paying it Forward: Man who takes in grandchildren hits hard times

For Luis Vasques Mercado, family comes first.  Those are not just words as his actions prove it.

Shortly after taking his seven grandchildren into his home, Mercado lost his job as a banker after the branch where he worked closed.

"I was very worried, of course. I mean, you know, you get used to living some kind of way, and then everything changes," he said.

Mercado became an Uber and Lyft driver as a way to make ends meet and feed his family. One day, a man got into the back seat of his car and they really hit it off. Mercado began talking about his situation, and as he was sharing the story, they both began to tear up.

The man in his back seat was Pastor Daron Dixon from the Kingdom Church of Orlando. Pastor Dixon has been going around town over the last year, giving out $1,000 every week. A few weeks after the two met, Pastor Dixon surprised Mercado with a check.

"We want to come bless you, because we know what your story is? We want to be a blessing. You can pay forward or do whatever you want to do. This is for you," Dixon told Mercado.

"I'm very grateful for the Kingdom Church and Pastor Daron," said Mercado.

If you have a "Paying it Forward" story that you would like for us to cover, message LuAnne Sorrell on Facebook.

Paying it Forward