Paying it Forward: Keys to Independence helping foster kids drive

The Florida Keys to Independence Act was signed into law in 2014.  It is targeted at youth in licensed foster care between the ages of 15 to 21.

The Act created a 3-year pilot project.  On May 1, 2017, Governor Rick Scott signed SB 60 into law. This law allowed Keys to Independence to become a permanent program.

This program will reimburse youth and caregivers for the costs associated with driver’s education, driver’s licenses, and other costs related to getting a driver’s license as well as motor vehicle insurance.

The Florida Department of Children and Families selected Embrace Families to operate and manage the program for the entire state.

The federal government is now using the Keys to Independence as a model for other states that want to start similar programs.

So far, Embrace Families is working with 10 states who are helping foster children get their drivers’ licenses.

If you would like to learn more about the program, visit

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