Pay-by-plate customers will see toll increase next summer | FOX 35 Orlando

Pay-by-plate customers will see toll increase next summer

Pay-by-plate customers will see an increase in tolls next summer if they don’t get an E-pass.

The Central Florida Highway Authority voted to approve a new system wide pay rate for toll roads for people who choose to use the pay-by-plate system. The current rate for pay-by-plate is the cash rate plus 20 cents.

However, starting in July 2020, the price will be double the electronic rate instead.

The expressway authority says processing pay-by-plate requests is expensive. The cost includes the cameras in the lanes, people to review the images, printing and postage, and an allowance for uncollectable revenue.

People who pay for expressway authority tolls using an E-pass or who pay in cash will not see a price increase.