Palm Bay residents warned after utility bill pay portal hacked

Customers who use their computers to pay their water bills or their phones in Palm Bay have been warned of a data breach which, leaving some who used the service between July 27 and Sept. 5 vulnerable. Banking information was in the open, the city says.

Residents of Palm Bay who deal with their water bills on the web are directed to a system run by a tech company called Central-Square, formerly known as SunGuard. Central Square's main office is in Lake Mary, but they provide services to city utility departments all over America. 

Central Square says eight cities were hacked. In Palm Bay, 8,500 customers were vulnerable to online theft.  Damara Sherlock has been hacked twice, and now her routine is to go pay in person at City Hall. 

"From now on, everything is in person, everything is in cash," Sherlock said.  "I try not to do anything online."

Palm Bay city spokeswoman released a statement asking people to watch their credit card statements for any fraudulent activity.  At this time, only a few customers have reported unauthorized access.  

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