Oviedo girls softball champs finally get their trophies

After the Oviedo girls softball team won the State Babe Ruth Softball Championship, they were given gifts bags, unlike the boys team who received trophies. 

After speaking up about the disproportionate treatment, they finally received their trophies on Friday. 

"I feel great makes me excited and happy!" said 7-year-old Kai Esperas.

She said she learned the importance of speaking up from this whole experience. That’s exactly what she did after the team came home with a goodie bag, which included a softball and bag tag. The boy champs got trophies and medals. 

"We’re going to take what we learned from this and try to standardize awards across the board whether it’s here in Florida or across the country," said Rob Connor, Vice President of Operations for the National Babe Ruth League.

Many businesses around the state and even United Trophy in Orlando donated to local champs. Ashlee Partin rallied the girls to speak up for what was right.

"I’m also grateful that all this has happened because now we’re really going to see some real change. We lead girls in a better future for female athletes." 

Her daughter, Faith, also received a trophy.

"I feel really excited," she told us.

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