Orlando weather: Breezy Thursday in store with highs in the 80s

Today's high: 85 degrees | Tonight's low: 69 degrees

Main weather concerns: We continue to enjoy spectacular weather week and weekend ahead, with comfortable temperatures in the 80s and a cooling breeze when it starts to feel a bit warm. The only threat continues to be rip currents at the beaches thanks to a northeast flow around high pressure over Virginia and swells from Hurricane Tammy out in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Tammy is no threat to Florida, but the nation's first major arctic blast will send a foot of snow to the high plains and northern Rockies while dipping temps to near freezing at night all the way to the Mexico border. Florida will be on the edge of this system but likely remain at or just above normal.

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The beaches will feature gusty ENE winds and a rough surf zone. Surf will build to the 4-6' range today in a sloppy Northeast wind swell. Rip current risk will rise to high levels. Best to just stay out of the Atlantic waters at this time. Skies will feature passing sun and clouds, a few showers will blow in off the Atlantic through the day, chances are near 20%.


A 50/50 mixture of clouds and sunshine, only a very isolated chance of a passing shower exists, with chances near 10%. Afternoon highs near 85 degrees.


The extended outlook keeps decent weather on top of Central Florida. Only token rain chances around 20% will be in play.

Expect a seasonal run of highs in the 80s and lows in the mixed 60s will be the norm. Local breezes should ease quite a bit heading into the weekend.

Hurricane Tammy remains out at sea and will turn a bit more to the West in the coming days. Tammy will begin decreasing in strength longer term but, will still remain a powerful area of lower pressure. Model forecasts are split on the future track of what remains of Tammy and for now, the FOX 35 STORM TEAM is monitoring the progress of this tropical system.