Orange County School Board proclaims October as 'LGBTQ+ awareness month'

(Orlando Sentinel)

For the first time, October has been proclaimed as 'LGBTQ+ awareness month' by a Central Florida school district.

In September 2019, the Orange County School Board approved a proclamation officially announcing October as LGBTQ+ awareness month.

With this proclamation, the school board suggested that Orange County campuses display 'OCPS accepts everyone' on their marquees between October 1 and October 6. 

Princeton Elementary School is one of several schools to follow this suggestion, as they have 'OCPS ACCEPTS EVERYONE' and 'LGBTQ AWARENESS MONTH' on their marquee. 

The Orange County School Board routinely approves proclamations. The Orlando Sentinel said that four other proclamations were approved on September 24th. However, the LGBTQ+ awareness month proclamation is a first for Central Florida school districts. 

“It’s historic. I’m really excited," Clinton McCracken told the Orlando Sentinel. McCracken is reportedly an art teacher and magnet coordinator at Howard Middle School in Orlando, who pushed for the proclamation.

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