Orange County prepares school buses with new safety measures

As face-to-face learning kicks off on Friday in Orange County, officials have implemented new sanitation and safety measures on school buses.

The county says all busses will be thoroughly cleaned, getting a top-to-bottom sanitizing before they leave to pick up students, and when they return.

Students will board back to front and leave front to back so they don't pass each other on the way in and out. It will be one student per seat and vents will be open for good ventilation inside the buses.

Face masks will be required to ride the bus for everyone's protection.

RELATED: Orange County students head back to class for face-to-face learning on Friday

"All of our employees will have PPE, as well," officials said. "Those working with students with special needs will have face shields. We'll have coverings and masks for drivers. We'll also have disposable masks for any student who doesn't have one at the bus stop."

The county is also asking parents and students to practice good social distancing at the bus stop before students get on. They say if possible, it's best to drive your student to school.