NAACP stands behind State Attorney Aramis Ayala | FOX 35 Orlando

NAACP stands behind State Attorney Aramis Ayala

Saturday, national, state and Local NAACP leaders stood firmly behind State Attorney Aramis Ayala during a press conference at the Rosen Center in Orlando.
"Stay off these State Attorneys' turf and let them do their jobs as they see it, unless they do something that has violated the law."

Those were the words from Florida NAACP Conference President Adora Nweze to Governor Rick Scott Saturday morning.
"We also want him to know we don't want the death penalty in Florida," Nweze said.

Earlier this month, Ayala announced she would not be pursuing the death penalty against accused cop-killer Markeith Loyd or any case her office prosecutes during her term as state attorney.
Governor Scott took Ayala off the Loyd case and replaced her with State Attorney Brad King.

Chairman of the NAACP's National Board of Directors Leon W. Russell said, "We're concerned about the victims. We're concerned about the crimes that happen in our community. But the death penalty, killing people, is not the way that we end crime in this state."

Fox 35 asked the Governor about his decision earlier this week.

"I'm very comfortable I made the right decision," Governor Scott said. "I have the authority to do it, to move the case against Markeith Loyd to State Attorney Brad King."

Also this week, Republican Representative Bob Cortes told FOX 35 that he is calling for Ayala's suspension.
"She needs to look at the aggravating circumstances," he said. "To follow through on the death penalty case. By her blanket statement of not doing any of them, she's violating state law and she should be removed."

This past Monday, Ayala filed a motion to stay proceedings.
She told the judge in open court that Governor Scott overstepped his bounds and had no authority to do remove her from the case.
Meanwhile, the NAACP says their fight with Florida's state government isn't settled.

"Oh, we've got many steps!" Nwese said. "We will be writing. We'll be visiting. We'll be calling."