Credit: Mahmoud EIAwadi
An Orlando blood donor's Facebook post went viral Sunday after he talked about unifying regardless of religion or political views in the face of the massacre at Pulse nightclub.
Mahmoud EIAwadi, who identified himself as a Muslim living in Orlando, posted a photo of himself donating blood Sunday and asked for a more unified community, People reports.
“Yes my name is Mahmoud a proud Muslim American. Yes our blood all look the same so get out there and donate blood cause our fellow American citizens are injured and need our blood.”
EIAwadi said that a lot of good was happening Sunday while he was donating blood with children bringing food and water to the “thousands of people standing in 92 degree sun” waiting to donate.
"Yes I donated blood even thought I can't eat or drink anything cause I'm fasting in our holy month Ramadan just like hundreds of other Muslims who donated today here in Orlando," he continues. "Yes together we will stand against hate, terrorism, extremism and racism."