Miya Marcano Foundation creates apartment safety accreditation program | FOX 35 Orlando

Miya Marcano Foundation creates apartment safety accreditation program

The Miya Marcano Foundation is continuing to make an impact in Florida.  

They are launching the ‘Safe and Secure Apartment Accreditation’ program on Friday.  

"One of the things we wanted to do, was to be able to work with apartment complexes to make sure they have all the necessary protocols and policies and safety regulations in place. So what happened to Miya doesn’t happen to anyone else," Miya Marcano Foundation spokesperson, Jodi Covington told FOX 35. 

The program rates apartment complexes on overall safety, using either one, two or three butterflies. 

Butterflies are being used in memory of Miya, who loved the animals so much. 

A complex with a ‘one’ rating will have things like: no city code violations, site maps at every vehicular entry way, trimmed landscapes, proper lightning and protection on sliding doors. 

Higher ratings will be given to properties that follow even more safety protocols. 

Marcano's mother, Yma Scarbriel says she wishes there was a program like this when she and her family were looking at off-campus apartments. 

"If we knew that, I’d been more secure and content knowing that they went through all the protocols, all the steps that they did that we have for the safe and secure program," Scarbriel said. 

The Miya Marcano Foundation is partnering with Rat Pack Security Worldwide, and they'll go in-person to conduct these audits. 

Marcano's family hopes this gives tenants a peace of mind. 

"What happened to Miya was one of the worst tragedies ever and with this program. I somehow find peace or comfort knowing that we’ll be able to save another family, another person from what we are going through," Scarbriel said. 

Marcano would've turned 20-years-old on April 26.

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