Traffic control measures spark heated debate in Melbourne Beach

Melbourne Beach's Town Commission meeting on Tuesday became a battleground over unannounced traffic changes, culminating in a decision to remove unpopular speed humps.

The police department had recently installed stop signs, speed humps, and posts to prevent drivers from circumventing the safety measures, sparking controversy. Mayor Alison Dennington expressed frustration over the lack of communication, stating that the changes appeared without prior notice.

Police Chief John Doe defended the installations, citing safety concerns. However, Mayor Dennington emphasized that town management did not inform even the commissioners in advance.

Despite the mayor's proposal to pause traffic changes for the next six months, the other commissioners rejected the idea. They did, however, vote to remove the speed humps.

"It would just be great to know about it beforehand and for the residents to know about it beforehand because all of this in-and-out change costs money, and it's the taxpayer's money," Mayor Dennington said during the meeting.

Commissioner Corey Runte opposed the mayor's recommendations, arguing that the measures were necessary for safety. 

"I will not be voting for any of your recommendations because they don't make sense, and they are putting our kids at risk. I've seen it — people go around the speed bumps and into the bike lanes, and they can hit someone," Runte stated.

Traffic issues remain one of the most contentious topics in Melbourne Beach. This is not the first instance of controversy, as a previous set of stop signs on another street was also removed due to unpopularity.