Man suspected of fatally shooting family's dog arrested

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A man suspected of fatally shooting a family's dog in Mead Valley was arrested Saturday.

Christopher Samuel, 54, was arrested at a home in the 17500 block of Clark Street and was booked into the Robert Presley Detention Center in Riverside on suspicion of animal cruelty and negligent discharge of a firearm, according to Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Armando Munoz.

Deputies responded about 3:30 p.m. Friday to reports of shots being fired on that block and found a dead dog on a residential property, Munoz said.

County Animal Control personnel were called to retrieve the animal, he said.

A video posted on Facebook by Alexis Lemmon, the daughter of the dog's owner, shows a man shooting a pitbull with a rifle in his front yard on Clark Street (WARNING: The video is graphic)

Michael Lemmon, the dog's owner, claimed that his neighbor shot his dog after it wandered into his front yard.

According to published reports, the family has had ongoing disputes with the neighbor.

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