'It's a nightmare!': Bride's flight to destination wedding canceled

It was the last thing this Windermere bride wanted to hear: the flight to her destination wedding was canceled.

Erin Giordano and Melvin Mantor are ready to tie the knot in St. Thomas in a few weeks. However, they say their JetBlue flight to St. Thomas that they booked in June was canceled this week.

"If we can’t get to the wedding, we can’t get married, so we will have all of our guests there without a bride and groom," said Giordano. "It’s a nightmare. I wish I would just wake up, and it would be taken care of."

The couple says they've been back and forth with the airline trying to get a refund or new flight, instead of the credit they've been offered.

"The issue is I have over $1,000 in a travel bank. Why would I use money out of my own pocket, with any other airline, when I have $1,000 in a travel bank sitting in JetBlue? I want to use my money," said Mantor.

This comes as we've seen airlines cancel hundreds of flights recently. JetBlue did not respond to our request for comment as of Friday night.

"I just want to get the issue resolved," said Giordano. "We just want to get to our wedding."

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