I-4 express lanes will have 'dynamic tolling' to determine cost

You can see the express lane signs going up on Interstate 4.

Soon, traveling on I-4 should be quicker as center express lanes get ready to open in a few months, relieving traffic.

Driver Andrew Knox says, "At 5 o’clock, it’s bad so it will be a great help."

We talked to the Florida Department of Transportation's Jessica Ottaviano about how much it will cost through so-called "dynamic tolling." 

"Drivers shouldn’t expect the same rate every day. It’s all based off congestion in the managed lanes."

That means, the more traffic there is, the more expensive it will be. 

However, right now, the prices have not been set yet. 

Ottaviano says there’s equipment at the tolls to determine the amount of traffic along the 21-mile stretch. 

"To count the congestion that’s going on and also be able to account for the toll lane pricing that you’re going to have," she said.

Ottaviano says signs will inform drivers how much it is before they get into the express lanes.  

If traffic builds after you get into the express lane, you’ll be charged the lower price. 

"The sign is going to tell the location you’re going to travel to and the cost if you enter at this point," Ottaviano said.

Drivers that want to continue in the express lanes should still follow the signs for a further destination and prices. 

While there will be a cost for the express lanes, which are also known as managed lanes, it’s still free to use the general lanes. 

We asked drivers what they thought.

Driver Jeff Watson says, "I don’t think they should charge on any highways. I really think it’s wrong cause they’re already getting government money to build these highways." 

Driver Laura Schmitt says, "I would use it. I would pay to not wait in traffic. I think it’s worth it."

And, you'll need an E-pass or SunPass transponder to use the express lanes. 

The lanes will be open in four to five months.
