Hurricane Maria evacuees in Florida face Saturday deadline

damian entwistle / Flickr

Karem Navarro is trying to figure out her next step.  

"To be on the streets, you know. Never in my life have I had to sleep on my car, or sleep in the street. I worry about that," said Navarro.  

FEMA has been paying for her and her husband's temporary housing in a Kissimmee motel since she evacuated from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria destroyed her home.  

"This is the roof in the side of the neighbors house," Navarro.  

Because of new restrictions the Governor of Puerto Rico just put on evacuees living in temporary housing, she may be homeless come Saturday morning.  That news came as surprise to everyone, including Super 8 motel owner, Prerak Patel, who thought all of his FEMA guests would be staying until mid May.  

"Monday, we had approval at 8 o'clock. At 8:02, it was terminated," said Patel.  

On Saturday, 42 families will either need to pay up on their own or leave said Ericka Gomez-Tejeda, a spokesperson for Vamos 4 Puerto Rico.  

"2,400 currently have TSA, 1,800 have to be out by Saturday morning," explained Gomez-Tejeda.

This, unless Puerto Rico's governor loosens his new restrictions and makes a formal request to FEMA for more aid.  

"I've been sending letters with other elected officials," said Florida Senator Victor Torres.  

Florida Senator Victor Torres say's he's doing all he can to help these folk, asking Puerto Rico's governor to sign off on letting these folks stay until the beginning of June, after their children finish the school year.  

"Where do you think those people are going to go?" said Senator Torres.  

Navarro's car is being repossessed today as things stand she will have no place to sleep come Saturday night.