Hurricane Ian: Behind the scenes at FOX 35

When something as powerful and as dangerous as a hurricane threatens Central Florida, it's "all hands on deck" at FOX 35. When we say "Depend on FOX 35" for your storm coverage, that means we are committed to bringing you all the latest developments to keep you safe. 

So what happens in a newsroom when a powerful hurricane is bearing down on the Sunshine State with Central Florida in its target? It means we shift to expanded hours and round-the-clock coverage on air and online through our website, our apps and social media.

Our staff literally brings in their sleeping bags, pillows and other essentials with the intent to stay on the job until the storm passes. Below are a few moments captured on camera featuring the FOX 35 Storm Team and our FOX 35 anchors. 

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[Credit: Rodney Dube/FOX 35]

Hurricane IanHurricanesFOX 35 Orlando Hurricane CenterSeen on TV