How to save money on school supplies, technology as schools will soon reopen

When it comes to back to school shopping, online retailers are lining up to help you fill your baskets.

FOX 35 experts suggest three ways to save money

Josh Elledge, the Savings Angel, advises parents stagger spending, especially for big-ticket items. 

He explains "As a parent it's tough, you're like oh darn, I have to buy 3 laptops right now? How am I going to do that?  That's a really tough situation and what I advise is to generally stagger those kinds of investments as much as possible."

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Omri Traub, the founder and CEO of 'Popcart' -- an online browser extension that helps shoppers compare prices and find the best deals, warned consumers that they need to watch out for a spike in prices for supplies.

"The prices online can be dynamic and can adjust. If you were shopping for back-to-school a month ago, you might have actually paid a cheaper price than what you're paying online now. Everybody is in the same mindset as you, so that's when shoppers online have to be especially careful," Traub explains.

Since a lot of kids will be learning from home this year, Lawrence Zarian, 'The Fashion Guy,' said that they still need to dress as if they are going into the classroom.

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"When it comes to back to school clothes shopping, look to buy out of season stock, commit to the clearance rack, shop second hand and browse Ebay or other E-tail auction sites for the best deals," suggests Zarian.

Tune in to FOX 35 Orlando for the rest of the FOX 35 Classroom Survival Guide as schools prepare to reopen.

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