Good Day Orlando Xtra premieres Monday, April 22 on FOX 35: How to watch Sherri, Jennifer Hudson Show, TMZ | FOX 35 Orlando

Good Day Orlando Xtra premieres Monday, April 22 on FOX 35: How to watch Sherri, Jennifer Hudson Show, TMZ

FOX 35's Good Day Orlando is adding an extra hour to the morning news lineup starting Monday, April 22, but with a slightly different feel than a traditional newscast. Meet Good Day Orlando Xtra!

Those who stream FOX 35 on FOX Local, in the FOX 35 News app, or on have been part of Good Day Orlando Xtra for a few months. Now we're taking the show to the TV airwaves!

Good Day Orlando Xtra is more talk show than newscast. More relaxed. More fun. 

Get to know Amy, Ryan, Danielle, Deborah, Brooks, and Jessica in a more relaxed environment. Good Day Orlando Xtra allows for more time to showcase the attractions, businesses, and destinations that make Florida so special (and a great place to live), more time to talk with guests, celebrities, and organizations, and more time to go into the stories that everyone is talking about.

Good Day Orlando Xtra will air weekdays from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m., immediately following Good Day Orlando on FOX! 

How to watch Sherri, The Jennifer Hudson Show, TMZ, and Who The Bleep Is That? on FOX 35?

Your favorite shows on FOX 35 are not going anywhere. They're just sliding an hour later on the schedule.

  • Sherri: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • The Jennifer Hudson Show: 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
  • TMZ: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
  • Who The Bleep Is That?: 2 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.