Gainesville cop hands out school supplies

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Gainesville Police officer Bobby White has a heart to serve others, especially with kids and families.
Millions of people all over the world saw that positive interaction earlier this year.
He went viral after dash cam video showed him playing basketball with neighborhood kids after responding to a noise complaint about the kids.
He even got Shaq to surprise them later.
He helped set up a permanent court for them to safely play.
All this week, Officer White has gone around town giving away backpacks full of free school supplies to families and kids who want them - all of it from donations.
Officer White told Fox 35’s David Williams, "It saves them a little bit of money, and the kids love it. It's a good, positive interaction with police."
Now, he runs the Basketball Cop Foundation.
Officer White said, "Basically, the mission of the foundation is to connect cops with kids all over the country in a proactive and positive manner."
Officer White told Fox 35 he hopes to pass out more of the school supplies kits before school starts next week.