Funeral held Saturday for family of 5 killed in Orlando crash | FOX 35 Orlando

Funeral held Saturday for family of 5 killed in Orlando crash

Family, friends, and well-wishers turned out in Pine Hills on Saturday morning as they laid to rest five members of an Orlando family killed in a horrific car crash.

A funeral was held for the three children who died -- Olivia, 3, Chloe, 5, and 5-month-old Antonio. The two women were Antoinette Oliver and Liza Jackson. 

"God just wanted them back," said Rev. Anthony Oliver, a pastor who was also father and grandfather of the victims, "and he had them."

Oliver addressed the crowd, showing amazing composure and grace as he eulogized his own two daughters and three grandchildren.

"I had the opportunity to tell them I loved them for 30 years, 25 years, 5 years, and 5 months," he said, "I loved every last one of them."

The family died on March 11. They were all traveling in the same car, turning from Clarcona-Ocoee Road onto Gaymar Drive when another car smashed into them. Oliver's wife, who was driving the car, was the only survivor.

RELATED: 'I just miss my babies': Family, friends remember 5 lives lost in horrific crash

"I know one day I'll see them again. I know I got five angels," Pastor Anthony Oliver told FOX 35 News days after the crash. He's mourning not only his three grandchildren but the loss of his two daughters

"Just amazing people to be around. It's definitely a huge void that will have to be filled, but we have memories and that's all we can hold on to right now," said Doneshia Green, a cousin.

Green said it was so important to be careful out on the roads. "When you're driving, be cautious and careful. Know that things can change in the blink of an eye."

RELATED: FHP: 3 children among those killed in 'horrific' Orlando crash

Oliver and his supporters plan to be at the next Orange County Commission meeting. They're calling for a faster response to installing a traffic control signal at the intersection where the accident happened.

The community is rallying around the Oliver family during their time of grief.

"It's the child's job to bury the father, not the other way around. And now, I have to bury five of them," Pastor Oliver said.

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