FOX 35 viewers step up to help an Oviedo girls softball team

Several FOX 35 News viewers are stepping up to the plate after we told you about some Oviedo girl softball players who won the state championship but were denied trophies and medals.

The boys were given trophies and medals, but not the girls. Instead, the Oviedo girls with the Florida Babe Ruth State Softball League got goodie bags with a ball and bag tag. However, after we aired the story, people have offered to donate trophies and money to give the girls the awards they deserve. 

Seven-year-old Kalei Esperas says, "I wanted to thank everyone who offered to buy my teammates trophies and medals. My teammates and I are very thankful. Thank you very much." 

Esperas says it’s time to move on and continue winning games.

RELATED: Girl softball players said they were treated differently than boys after winning championship

There's a special surprise planned for the team on Friday, July 16. Since it's a surprise, you'll have to wait till then to find out who's helping the girls. If you want to volunteer at the event or watch in person, contact the team here.

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