FOX 35 obtains longer video of class session that got teacher in trouble | FOX 35 Orlando

FOX 35 obtains longer video of class session that got teacher in trouble

FOX 35 News has taken a look at a longer clip of a classroom remote-learning video that landed an Osceola County teacher in hot water after some controversial comments she made.

The longer video gives a broader look at the context of the discussion leading up to Tracey Brown's outburst.

“I am thrilled that some of y'all have seen that there's a different side to this movement,” the Osceola County social studies teacher said as she was discussing the Black Lives Matter movement with her class, and the reports of destruction that happened during this summer's unrest. “If Black Lives Matter has a problem with the looting and burning of buildings, why don't you ever see people who run Black Lives Matter stand up and say that?”

Brown exploded when a student questions her about her views.

“Whether some Black people live in communities where the cops do not treat them right, understand and...” a student said, before being interrupted. 

“Stop right there, David! Stop!” Brown said on the video. “I want to be very clear, what you don't know about me could fill a freaking swimming pool!”

Brown said she was attacked by a group of Black gang members when she was a teenager in Atlanta.

“I have as much right as anybody else to dislike blacks for what happened to me!”

She also accused politicians in general of not caring about people like her.

“I'm talking about the people in Washington, D.C., from the North and from the West, and people in the Black Lives Matter movement who stand up and basically say -- and who nobody has once said -- 'You know what? You're wrong!'”

Osceola County's schools superintendent, Dr. Debra Pace, put out a statement saying, "Racism, intolerance, and injustice have no place in our communities or in our schools...we will not tolerate behavior by students or staff which insults, degrades, or stereotypes any race, gender, disability, physical condition, ethnic group, religion, or sexual orientation."

Tracey Brown didn't return our phone calls. The teachers' union said she has the right to due process. Brown remains reassigned to a different role in the district.