FOX 35 Investigates: The negative side effects of social media on teens

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FOX 35 Investigates: The negative side effects of social media on teens

Studies show teens are heavily influenced by social media every day. Seminole High School principal Dr. Jordan Rodriguez sees the impact every day.

Studies show teens are heavily influenced by social media every day.

Seminole High School Principal Dr. Jordan Rodriguez sees the impact every day.

"You know 20 years ago if we were on a high school campus… let’s say there was a fight, whoever saw it, saw it. And that was the end of it," said Dr. Rodriguez, "you didn’t have 50 people trying to record it, be the first to post it to Snapchat."

We sat down with a group of four students at Seminole High School to get their input on its impact.

All four say it influences them every day and has made them feel negative about themselves.

"It’s just easy to compare yourself and be like, ‘I don’t look like them or I don’t dress like them,’" said senior Ja’Nasa Mangum.

"When you look at it, you kind of have an envious or like jealousy reaction because you’re not doing as well as that individual," added senior Varian Dass.

"I never wore flannel last year. I was like, ‘It’s so hot in Florida,’ but then I was like, ‘It looks cute,’ like even today social media influenced me that way," said sophomore Jordyn Fieulleteau.

Multiple studies show social media increases the risk of eating disorders, depression and anxiety.

One study found those who posted more selfies, reported worse moods and felt less attractive despite retouching the pictures.

"We’re seeing more cutting, we’re seeing more body issues," said Jim West, at Total Life Counseling.

West says banning teens from the digital world is unrealistic. The Pew Center found 71% of teens say social media makes them feel included, 69% confident and 64% authentic.

West says look out for these signs of social media overload: Withdrawal from face-to-face interactions, slipping grades and feeling overwhelmed by normal routines. West recommends limiting daily time.

"The American Academy of Pediatrics basically said your 11-17-year-olds should have no more than two hours," West said.

At Seminole High, Dr. Rodriguez talked about the issue with parents and experts using his everyday experience on the job.

He tells parents to know what social media platform your kids are on, keep open lines of communication, communicate with your child’s friends and address the detrimental impact social media could have on your child’s future.

"There’s no take-back button on social media, so when these kids are representing themselves in a negative way, someday it's going to haunt them," Dr. Rodriguez said.