Florida State University may remove statue now on campus

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - A Florida State University panel is recommending that the college remove a statue of the grandson of Thomas Jefferson located near the school's main administration building.
The Tallahassee Democrat reports the panel also recommended the removal of the name of a former state Supreme Court justice from a law school building. The recommendations will go to FSU President John Thrasher for a final decision.
Thrasher last September ordered a review of statues and recognitions shortly after the protests in Charlottesville, Virginia.
A student group had asked to remove the statue of Francis Eppes because he was a slave owner.
The panel recommended removing the name of B.K. Roberts from the law school because Roberts authored a decision that blocked Virgil Hawkins from attending the University of Florida law school. Hawkins was denied admission due to his race.
Information from: Tallahassee (Fla.) Democrat, http://www.tdo.com