Florida non-profit raising funds for pet kennels at domestic violence shelter

More resources are coming to help pets and people escape violence. The Ponce Animal Foundation will be installing kennels at central Florida domestic violence shelters.

Right now, they're raising money to put kennels at The Beacon Center. This way, someone who’s in an abusive relationship won’t have to leave their pet behind. Barriers like this often keep people from leaving abusive partners.

"This may prompt the abused person to go the shelter, not stay in that abusive situation or relationship because most of the time they stay because they don’t want their animal hurt," said Debbie Darino who’s an animal rights activist and created Ponce’s Law which made animal abuse a felony in Florida.

Her non-profit now raises awareness and funds for abused animals and people who can’t cover their pets' medical expenses.

You can learn more about her work to keep pets safe across Florida by clicking here.

Brevard CountyPets and Animals