Florida man who suffered heart attack at Walmart thanks DeLand first responders for saving his life

(Photo via Deland Fire Department)

Grab some tissues! You'll need them for this full-circle moment.

A Florida man stopped by the DeLand Fire Department Tuesday to meet and personally thank the first responders who saved his life, officials said in a Facebook post

Back in November, Greg Seymour was walking into a Walmart store in Volusia County when officials said he suffered a heart attack. 

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(Photo via Deland Fire Department)

DeLand first responders, along with Volusia County medical personnel, immediately rushed to his aid and simultaneously began treatment.

Described by the fire department as a "walking miracle," Seymour survived and has since returned to work at Stetson University and is in great spirits.

"Thank you for stopping by Greg! People like you keep us going," the fire department said in the post. 

Heartwarming NewsCentral Florida NewsDeLandFloridaVolusia County