Drunk driver found asleep behind wheel on I-95 with foot on brake, deputies say
Man asleep behind wheel on I-95: deputies
A Florida man reportedly fell asleep behind the wheel while on Interstate 95 in Brevard County over Memorial Day weekend, blocking traffic in the area. His vehicle was still in drive and his foot was reportedly on the brake.
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. - A Florida man reportedly fell asleep behind the wheel while on Interstate 95 in Brevard County over Memorial Day weekend, blocking traffic in the area. His vehicle was still in drive and his foot was reportedly on the brake.
The Brevard County Sheriff's Office (BCSO) said they received a call shortly before 3 a.m. Saturday about a pickup truck that was stopped in a lane, blocking traffic at mile marker 199 on I-95.
Deputies approached the truck and found the 21-year-old driver passed out behind the wheel. He was removed from the vehicle and deputies quickly moved the truck out of the road to prevent a major crash on the interstate.
Inside the vehicle, deputies found two guns and a 12-pack of Twisted Tea on the passenger side with only six that remained unopened.
The driver reportedly reeked of alcohol and his speech was slurred. He told deputies he had one drink while at a strip club in Orange County, according to BCSO. He refused a field sobriety test and declined to provide a breath sample.
He was taken to jail on charges of driving while under the influence and carrying a concealed firearm. He was later released on a $2,500 bond.