Florida man donates his 110th gallon on blood after 22 years of giving

A 62-year-old man has donated his 100th gallon of blood on Monday.

OneBlood reported that 62-year-old David Williams donated his 100th gallon of blood at the OneBlood Lessburg Donor Center on Monday. He has donated platelets for 22 years now and has affected the lives of countless people, even saving lives.

Williams is a long-time mechanic but still finds time every week or two to donate blood. OneBlood said that he spends about two hours sitting in the donor chair everytime. 

Williams' donated platelets are reportedly transfused into a patient within five days. Many of the recipients are cancer patients who rely on the transfusions to keep them alive during cancer treament. 

You can learn more about the importance of platelet donations by calling 1-888-9DONATE or by visiting the OneBlood website

This story was written in Orlando, Florida.