Lake County sheriff gives update on 2 deputies shot in Florida 'ambush' attack

Two Lake County deputies shot during an "ambush" attack at a Florida home over the weekend continue to be treated at the hospital, and are showing some signs of improvement – a "hopeful" moment amid a devastating and complicated investigation, Sheriff Peyton Grinnell told reporters on Monday.

Deputies Stefano Gargano and Harold Howell were both shot multiple times Friday night inside a home while attempting to rescue another deputy, Bradley Michael Link, who had been shot moments earlier and became "trapped" inside that home. Deputy Link tragically died at the hospital.

Sheriff Grinnell said Deputy Gargano underwent a third surgery on Monday and that "the procedure went very well." 

"Therefore, we are obviously hopeful that he really begins to show some good signs of progress towards a full and complete recovery," Sheriff Grinnell said. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition. On Monday, the sheriff said his condition had been upgraded.

Deputy Howell had a second surgery after being shot in the shoulder and his prognosis appears good, the sheriff said. "We just obviously ask everyone in the community to continue praying and lifting them up," he said.

Watch full press conference: Lake County Sheriff's Office reveal arrest, new details in ambush attack