Florida House passes ban on child-like sex dolls | FOX 35 Orlando

Florida House passes ban on child-like sex dolls

Possessing, selling or displaying a child-like sex doll would be illegal in Florida under a bill passed unanimously by the state House.

The bill was sent Wednesday to Gov. Ron DeSantis on a 113-0 vote, and the Senate previously passed it unanimously.

A legislative analysis of the bill said that child-like sex dolls imported from China, Japan and Hong Kong are becoming increasingly prevalent in the U.S. They are part of what has become a $15 billion sex toy industry, according to the analysis.

The bill would make it a first-degree misdemeanor in Florida to possess, give away, advertise, sell or display the dolls. A second offense would be a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.