Florida firefighters rescue opossum trapped in laundry room: 'Hero stuff'

It's not just about fighting fires for local heroes; sometimes, it's also about saving lives. Even little ones on four legs with a tail. 

Firefighters in Volusia County rescued an opossum from a laundry room inside a home, as seen in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday. The firefighters were seen in gear trying to nab the critter who was seemingly stuck inside an area near a wall in a home. 

The firefighters are then seen letting the opossum go in the backyard to the tune of Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for a Hero."

You can watch the video in the player above. 

Photo: The Volusia County Professional Firefighters Association


"No firefighters were injured making this video. (Opossums either)," the firefighters' association hilariously wrote on Facebook. They punctuated the post with the hashtags #savinglives, #nottodayopossum, #herostuff and #critterremovalservice.