Fans will be allowed to attend UCF Football home opener at limited capacity | FOX 35 Orlando

Fans will be allowed to attend UCF Football home opener at limited capacity

There’s nothing quite like a UCF Football game and the roar of the Bounce House. You can expect that roar to continue this season, though maybe not quite so loudly.

UCF Athletic Director Danny White announced Monday fans would be allowed in the stands at Spectrum Stadium during the home opener against Tulsa on October 3.  The stadium will have a reduced 25% capacity.

“I guess it’s a way to bring fans back I guess but I don’t know if it’s the safest choice to best honest,” said UCF junior Victoria Vigliarolo.

“I just don’t know how they’re going to enforce social distancing and things like that, especially with I assume thousands of people in there,” said UCF junior Sam Johnson.

Some students told FOX 35 News they felt encouraged by the news, but not quite so excited.

“I’m not so concerned what’s going to go on in the football field but I’m more concerned about what’s going to go on after or before,” said UCF senior Alex Sainz.

“As long as they actually do keep the sections in 25% capacity, it’ll be okay. The student section in previous years gets really crowded,” said UCF junior Eric Straub.

Due to the reduced capacity, for now, UCF says it will sell tickets on a single-game basis. The season ticket holder will have “multiple options” for this season.

The school promises safety, and students hope that holds true.

“We don’t want to be sent back home or get kicked out of campus because of something like that, so hopefully, that doesn’t happen,” said Vigliarolo.

The school says it will release more details Tuesday regarding tickets for the upcoming season.