Edgewater approves year-long building moratorium to address flooding

The Edgewater City Council voted Tuesday night to enact a year-long building moratorium, halting new construction permits in response to residents’ concerns about flooding.

Residents have long blamed development, including a large project on Volco Road, for worsening flooding, particularly during Hurricane Milton, which left streets and homes underwater. 


Many spoke in favor of the pause during hours of public comment, while others, including Habitat for Humanity, criticized the decision as a "knee-jerk reaction."

"This means, hopefully, my home will not flood during the next storm," resident Claudia Adkins said. "We’re super happy because the developments that are built around us are four feet higher than where we’re standing so as long as these houses can all be built at the same level, hopefully we’re not gonna keep flooding."

However, Habitat for Humanity’s Mark Billings warned, "No affordable housing permits will be reviewed or approved for the next year."

During the moratorium, the city will investigate flooding issues, with plans to upgrade the stormwater system. Officials aim to act quickly, as hurricane season begins in five months.


The Source: This story was written based on information shared by Edgewater City Council and resident of Edgewater.

Volusia County