Daytona International Airport spending $14 million on renovation | FOX 35 Orlando

Daytona International Airport spending $14 million on renovation

Daytona International Airport spending $14 million on upgrades that include a waterfall, at the entrance, but is it worth it?

The airport was built in 1992, and in its 27 years, it has not seen any major updates, until now.

"There's never been any major renovation, so it is time to give it a facelift," said Karen Feaster, Deputy Airport Director, Daytona International Airport.

New flooring, seating, signage, new escalators and a new water feature will welcome visitors. Some flyers we spoke to don't think the airport needs upgrades.

"I've seen worse, it doesn't seem extremely outdated," said Terry Wasser.

But other's feel the airport gives visitors a first impression of Daytona Beach.

"We use it, people use it going in and out all the time," Cathy Wasser.

"The airport is an economic engine for the community, recently the Florida Department of Transportation put out their economic impact and this airport has a $2.1 billion impact to this community," said Feaster.

"I mean, if it helps the tourism industry down here, it might be a good thing, you know make the airport a little bit more pleasurable," said Wasser.

Feaster emphasized the $14 million is not coming from taxpayer money.

"The airport is owned and operated by Volusia County but we do operate as an enterprise fund, which means we are completely self-sustaining," said Feaster. 

That means the private loan obtained for the project will be paid back using airport revenue. The project is expected to be complete by December of 2020.