Coronavirus: Dr. Oz reveals his 'survival guide' on FOX 35
ORLANDO, Fla. - FOX 35's Dr. Oz took viewers questions about the coronavirus on Good Day Orlando on Friday.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus, besides a fever?
It's not a rare virus. This version is a mutation. The classic symptoms are fever which almost everybody has. So if you don't have a fever you probably don't have the COVID-19 infection. The second most common symptom is a dry, hacking cough as the virus gets down into your lungs. Diarrhea and intestinal issues are also fairly common. But fever is where it starts.
Is there a medicine or vaccine to help or do we all just live in fear and stop living?
There's no vaccine yet. A vaccine won't be released until maybe a year or year and a half. In the meantime, we don't really have anything to give because viruses are not that easily treated by medications. We're looking to see if any of the conventional approaches for the flu work, but so far none have proven effective. The things that work we believe for any virus are sleep and varying exercise.
Dr. Oz does recommend Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 for prevention, zinc and elderberry flower.
Can you get COVID-19 twice?
We don't believe you can get it twice within a short period of time. Once you've had this infection and your immune system has responded and you've beaten it, you should be protected for a year or longer, by which time there should be vaccines.