Children at Give Kids The World Village get up-close look at garbage trucks

A sanitation truck is finding a unique way to pay it forward.

The Celebration Sanitation truck is raising money and bringing smiles for children battling critical illnesses.

"If you know kids you know they love trucks," said Priyanka Chandra of Give Kids the World.

One by one, kids staying at the Give Kids the World Village got to climb up on the ladder and press the big buttons as the garbage can in the back was lifted up and over.


"They’re going to see how these trucks work, which is really cool," Chandra said. "Even though we get to see them drive by getting to go in there and see the mechanics is incredible."

The Celebration Sanitation truck regularly drives through the village honking for kids and families, but now it is decorated with a new purple wrap aimed at bringing awareness to the Give Kids the World nonprofit. 

It’s an 89-acre resort providing free vacations for children with critical illnesses. 

Ken Lee, owner of Celebration Sanitation, said he included a QR code on the side so that anyone who sees the truck can donate.

"Trying to give back in some way because I believe Dylan – he was a giving child - and he loved to have fun," Lee said.

Dylan Rowe was 27 years old when he died suddenly in 2021.

FOX 35’s Amanda McKenzie first met with his family a year later, when they chose to honor his life and legacy by bringing awareness to organ donation on their truck.

"He was able to donate three organs and save three lives," Lee said.Now the mission has evolved by continuing to spread joy and celebrating life."The kids – they gravitate to the garbage trucks," Lee said. "They do they really do. And for some reason when you have one coming down the road and you honk the horn, they all come out."

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