'Camp Quarantine' keeping kids and families busy
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla . - With an unexpected week of school off and visits to the playground not allowed, one 5th grade teacher at Avalon Park Elementary School organized a quarantine camp. It’s for his students and kids around their neighborhood.
“To try and give families something to do. 93 families signed up for it all through Avalon Park,” said William Ogle.
Every morning this week he’s been sending out a list of tasks and challenges participants can do.
“They get points for different tasks and they can steal points from different teams,” Ogle explained. Tasks have ranged from using side-walk chalk to decorate 3 different neighbors’ sidewalks with encouraging messages to a wrap battle to making tents out of materials they have in their homes.
Each summer Ogle has a side business where he puts on a four week history camp, so Camp Quarantine includes some history.
“This one is based on Irish history, so they've had to look up some stuff from the history of Ireland,” Ogle said.
His online camp is encouraging good habits.
“If they read for 30 consecutive minutes they get points for that,” Ogle said.
It’s also teaching responsibility.
“They get points for doing laundry as well, the parents like that a lot.”
There’s still one day left of Camp Quarantine, but Ogle is already calling this week a success.
“Fun games where we're not with each other but we can still kind of play, we're interacting and the kid are smiling,” Ogle said.
Friday’s tasks should be a fun. He's asking the kids to make posters thanking health care workers.