Brevard County Deputy named Corrections Deputy of the Year
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. - A Brevard County Sheriff's Deputy has been selected by the Florida Sheriffs Association as the 2018 Corrections Deputy of the Year.
Deputy Carissa LaRoche has been with the Brevard County Sheriff's Office for nine years. She is commended for her consistent devotion, professionalism and acts of heroism in the line of duty.
Among her acts of heroism, on July 30, 2017, she observed an inmate in the Jail Complex Female Annex who appeared to be having a seizure. She jumped into action, calling all necessary medical assistance and then moved the inmate to the floor where she performed CPR for seven minutes until the EMT arrived.
On September 24, 2017, Corrections Deputy LaRoche saved another inmate’s life upon his arrival to the Brevard County Jail Complex. After another Deputy called for assistance with an unresponsive inmate being transported into the jail. LaRoche was the first to arrive on scene where she assessed the victim and began CPR, which lasted for five minutes until the inmate began breathing again.
“We are incredibly proud of Carissa as her dedication and pride is unparalleled," Sheriff Wayne Ivey said. "As she serves as a role model for all Corrections Deputies throughout our agency and other agencies across the state of Florida!"