Boy with special needs spends hours on Orange County school bus, says parents | FOX 35 Orlando

Boy with special needs spends hours on Orange County school bus, says parents

Mika Davis is having hard time getting from school to his house. 

"I know there’s shortages and stuff because of COVID, but it hurts my heart to know that my son is sitting on a bus with a dirty diaper for that many hours, and he can’t express to somebody how he feels," Mika's father, Philip Davis, said. 

"What kid wants to sit on the bus for three hours and especially a kid of his sort," Mika's mother, Lisa Davis, said. 

Their son isn't able to speak, isn't potty-trained, and needs supervision and assistance.

They describe him as an eight-year-old in a two-year-old's body.

They say they have been dealing with bus delays since school started in August and now enough is enough.

Yesterday when Mika got home from Windy Ridge Elementary around 5:30 p.m., after school let out at 3 p.m., his parents say he was dirty, tired and hungry.

We asked Orange County Schools about the Davis's frustration. They tell us they're looking into the matter. 

But the Davis's say that's not good enough.

"It’s a handful of kids per school. 20 kids in the school with special needs versus a couple thousand kids in the school. It’s so easy to forget about them at the end of the day…they can’t be forgotten about," Philip Davis said. 

Watch FOX 35 News for the latest updates. 

Orange CountyEducationOrange County Schools