Boy bitten in the face by a shark off Florida coast while lobstering | FOX 35 Orlando

Boy bitten in the face by a shark off Florida coast while lobstering

A 13-year-old boy in Florida was out catching lobsters with his mom and dad when a shark bit him in the face.

"He just popped up screaming ‘mom, mom, shark! Get me out of here! Get me out of the water!,’" said Fischer Hricko's mom, Rhiannon, in an interview with FOX 35. 

"I saw a big one and I got it in my hand. On the way up, when I had the lobster in my hand, I felt a little tap on the back of my leg, and I looked behind me and the shark was in my face," Fischer said.

His mom was navigating the boat, while Fischer and his dad were in the water.

"It was honestly the scariest five minutes of my life. Just hearing that terror in your child’s voice it’s something that I can’t actually get out of my head," she said.

After Fischer and his dad got back in the boat, they rushed back to the dock to get him to the hospital. Fischer had to get 10 stitches in his lip, which was split from the shark's bite.

"It hurts every so often, but it’s fine now," he said. And despite the bite, he's won't let the shark take the fun away from his love for the ocean.

Fischer won't let this experience ruin his love for the ocean, but it still left a mark.

"I’m ready, but I feel like the first few times I’ll be a little scared, but I’ll get in the water," he said.

Mom said she'll probably stay in the boat "I guess it was always in the back of my head. That’s why I don’t jump in," she said, laughing.

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