Dog badly injured after bobcat sneaks into Arizona home

A bobcat in southern Arizona found a comfy and warm place to rest – but it was inside someone's home – and in their dog's bed.

Unfortunately, it appears the bobcat also hurt the dog pretty bad.

The Arizona Game and Fish Department posted two photos of the bobcat on Twitter, saying it's suspected to have come in through an unlocked doggie door at a home in San Manuel, just outside of Tucson.

The big cat was seen lounging on a fluffy dog bed surrounded by toys. By time help arrived, the bobcat was gone. 

The department warns to not handle entrapped or injured wildlife. Instead, call Arizona Game and Fish's Wildlife Center at 623-236-7201 as soon as possible.

Previously, there weren't any reports of animals or humans being injured, but a day later, the department said a dog named Squeakers was actually injured.

The family says his surgery came with a price tag of more than $3,000 and needs help with vet bills. You can donate at the family's GoFundMe and follow along on Squeakers' recovery journey.


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