Beagles rescued from Virginia lab given names for first time at Orlando shelter
15 beagles rescued from Virginia breeding facility brought to Orlando
Fifteen of the 4,000 beagles rescued from a Virginia research facility in July are now in Orlando and will be looking for their forever homes.
ORLANDO, Fla. - The fifteen beagles being treated in Orlando after being rescued from a mass breeding facility in Virginia have been given names for the very first time in their lives.
The Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando shared an update on the pups that they helped rescue over the weekend. The dogs were among 4,000 that were removed from Envigo, a medical contract breeding facility in Cumberland, Virginia that has been accused of having unfit conditions.
"The beagles are experiencing many ‘firsts’ with us, the most special being their very first names," the shelter wrote. "In the breeding facility, they were identified by the green tattoos that can be seen on the inside of their left ear flaps. Now, we have the pleasure of getting to know Blueberry, Poppy, Raisin, and the rest of the ‘bagel’ crew."
RELATED: 15 beagles rescued from Virginia breeding facility brought to Orlando
The beagles have been given veterinary exams and are now being prepared for their next steps. The Pet Alliance says they will be up for adoption at some point, but for now they need time to adjust to life outside a facility.
The USDA and other law enforcement agencies found multiple federal violations at the Envigo’s facility – which bred dogs to be sold to laboratories for animal experimentation. A lawsuit was filed in May by the Department of Justice claimed that the that dogs had received inadequate veterinary care and insufficient food, and that they were living in unsanitary conditions.
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In a filed complaint with the U.S. District Court in the Western District of Virginia, adult and puppy beagles were said to be underfed, injured and sick. The complaint also alleged the dogs were subject to painful medical science experiments and that more than 300 puppies died at the facility between January and July of last year.