A petition that aims to urge Former President Barack Obama to run for the French Presidency has attracted over 43,000 signatures as of Tuesday.
According to this website, organizers of the petition are aiming to collect one million signatures, in an effort to convince Former President Obama to run for the country's presidency. According to the website, which is in French, they are offering "a radical idea" for France, and claims that Former President Obama has the best resume in the world for the job.
While the notion of an American running a major European country sounds interesting, the idea is impossible, since Obama is not a French citizen.
Currently, there are nine people running to succeed François Hollande as the country's 25th President. Current polls suggest far-right candidate Marine Le Pen will win the first round of voting, with centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron or center-right candidate François Fillon winning the second round of voting.
Anyone elected to the French Presidency will also become the head of state of another, nearby country. The French President, along with a Roman Catholic bishop in Spain's Catalonia region, both serve as the Prince of Andorra.