Apopka neighborhood still waiting for flooding concerns to be addressed
Apopka neighborhood still waiting for flooding concerns to be addressed
Some Apopka residents continue to worry about flooding after dirt from a construction site filled their retention pond, causing flooding in the neighborhood.
Apopka - Some Apopka residents continue to worry about flooding after dirt from a construction site filled their retention pond, causing flooding in the neighborhood.
"I’m not happy at all," said Eric Mock, referring to a flood about two weeks ago at Vistas of Waters Edge. As HOA president, he said he contacted developer Eden Site Development after dirt from the construction site poured into the pond blocking stormwater from draining properly.
"You can see there was a huge washout and from the video before there was a massive amount of dirt that came from that development into our community." He's still in contact with the developer. "He told me that he had removed some dirt."
RELATED: Apopka residents say construction site is causing flooding in their neighborhood
The new construction is taking place right behind The Vistas. The developer installed a black fence to keep that dirt from running into the Vistas neighborhood. They also dredged part of a retention pond after the flooding, but it's still not enough.
"It hasn’t been completely resolved."
The developer told FOX 35 News that he’s still working on the issue and is waiting for guidance from the city engineer. We recently talked to resident Kenny Pettrey about the flooding right after it happened.
"I was concerned. If it didn’t stop raining, I was concerned my house was going to get flooded over."
Apopka’s mayor is also concerned this could have polluted Lake Apopka, which is part of the St. Johns Water Management District. He is waiting on test results. In the meantime, Mock hopes to have the pond dredged in the next few weeks. "I would hope to think we could have these things resolved in 4 to 6 weeks."