A note from 'Good Day Orlando' Anchor Amy Kaufeldt
A note from 'Good Day Orlando' Anchor Amy Kaufeldt
I have something personal I want to share with you.
A note from FOX 35 Good Day Orlando Anchor Amy Kaufeldt shared on May 20, 2022.
I have something personal I want to share with you.
Last month I found a lump in my breast. I saw my doctor the next day who ordered a mammogram, followed by an ultrasound and then a biopsy. One week later, I got the news no one wants to hear -- it’s cancer.
The lump was not visible on my mammogram, but it was seen on the ultrasound. An MRI then showed a tumor on the other side, too.
So I started all over again with another biopsy and found out the cancer is in both breasts.
Ladies, important note here, if you have dense breast tissue like I do – and 50% of all women do -- do not settle for just a mammogram, ask for an ultrasound, if at all possible. Again, my mammogram was clean.
Here's the good news – I caught it early! My doctor says I’m "grade one" or early stage.
I will have surgery in early June and will be out for several weeks recovering. I am nervous, but I am keeping a positive attitude and putting my faith in God and my doctors.
I am extremely grateful for the support of my family, friends and work family. And I know, I will get through this as millions of brave women have done before me.
I want to end on this -- ladies, please do your self-exams! That’s how I found this.
And men, please encourage the ladies you love -- and know that men can get breast cancer, too.