Young girl recovering from third-degree burns to back, private parts in 150-degree water
Florida girl recovering from third-degree burns
A young girl is still recovering after she was burned in 150-degree water nearly two years ago. For the first time, FOX 35 News is hearing from the victim's mom, who’s fighting for justice and still helping her daughter heal.
BREVARD COUNTY, Fla. - A young girl is still recovering after she was burned in 150-degree water nearly two years ago. For the first time, FOX 35 News is hearing from the victim's mom, who’s fighting for justice and still helping her daughter heal.
Seeing Sage at Wickham Park, playing with her mom, you can’t see the discomfort she feels or the scars she hides. She's four years old and bursting with life, but nearly two years ago, Sage was confined to a hospital bed covered in severe third-degree burns.
"It’s been two years now, so I can talk about it without bursting into tears, but – sorry, maybe not. I still cry every day. I told myself I wouldn’t cry, but I cry every day because it’s complete discomfort," said Alexandria Torres while tearing up recounting the traumatic ordeal.
Torres sat down with FOX 35 to share Sage’s story and detail her daughter's injuries.
"The worst part is her bottom, her front area, and her inner thighs, which is where her most discomfort is," the mom added.
Palm Bay Police say Sage's stepmother burned the child as malicious punishment for defecating in the living room. The arrest affidavit says the water was at least 150 degrees.
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The suspect’s attorney still denies those claims, saying it was an accident and the victim was in the tub and turned the hot water on herself.
"It’s been a nightmare," for their family said Torres.
Sage’s mom is still fighting for justice and says Sage had to re-learn how to use the bathroom, has been through months of therapy, and will need numerous procedures as her body grows and the scars stretch.
"I just can’t help itching it," said Sage, who still remembers the traumatic ordeal even though she was only two years old.
Torres says moving forward has been difficult as the criminal case drags on. Her daughter also needs plastic surgery, and her insurance doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures.
Still, she’s counting her blessings her daughter is alive and still full of life.
"I’m 100% grateful that she even has the freedom to be able to do normal kid things now," Torres concluded.
Her mom has started a GoFundMe to pay for her continued medical treatments. You can find a link to it by clicking here.